Marriage / Couple Counselling

What common issues are addressed in marriage or couple counseling?

Marriage or couple counseling can help with a wide range of issues, including:

  • Communication Problems: Helping couples develop effective communication skills to express their thoughts and feelings clearly and listen to each other with empathy.
  • Infidelity: Assisting couples in understanding the root causes of infidelity, rebuilding trust, and working towards forgiveness and healing.
  • Emotional Distance: Reconnecting couples who feel emotionally distant or disconnected, helping them to rekindle intimacy and affection.
  • Trust Issues: Addressing underlying trust issues, whether related to past betrayals or insecurities, and developing strategies to rebuild and maintain trust.
  • Sexual Intimacy Issues: Helping couples address problems related to sexual intimacy, including mismatched libidos, lack of sexual satisfaction, or other sexual concerns.
  • Conflict Resolution: Teaching conflict resolution skills to manage disagreements constructively and avoid harmful arguments.
  • Grief and Loss: Helping couples cope with the loss of a loved one, miscarriage, or other significant life losses together.
  • Mental Health Issues: Providing support for couples dealing with mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, or stress, and their impact on the relationship.

By addressing these issues, marriage counseling aims to strengthen relationships, enhance mutual understanding, and promote a healthy, fulfilling partnership.

What theoretical approaches are used in marriage counseling?

Our therapists utilize various evidence-based theoretical approaches to tailor the counseling process to each couple’s unique needs:

The Gottman Method, developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, is a research-based approach to marriage counseling that focuses on enhancing relationship stability and satisfaction. It involves a comprehensive assessment of the couple’s relationship and applies principles from the Sound Relationship House Theory to build a strong foundation of trust and intimacy. Key elements include improving communication, managing conflicts effectively, fostering emotional connection, and creating shared meaning. The method provides practical tools and techniques, such as conflict management strategies and exercises to strengthen the emotional bond, aiming to help couples develop a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

What to expect in a counseling session?

Here’s a detailed overview of what you can expect during a counseling session, outlining each key component involved in the process:

  • Initial Assessment: The first session typically involves an assessment to understand the couple’s issues and goals.
  • Goal Setting: Couples work with the therapist to set specific, achievable goals for their relationship.
  • Therapeutic Interventions: Sessions may include role-playing, communication exercises, and conflict resolution techniques.
  • Feedback and Homework: Couples are often given homework to practice new skills and techniques outside of sessions.

How to convince your partner to attend marriage counseling?

Here are some effective strategies for encouraging your partner to consider marriage counseling:

  • Express Your Feelings: Share your concerns and feelings honestly without blaming your partner. 
  • Highlight the Benefits: Discuss the potential benefits of counseling, such as improved communication and a stronger relationship. 
  • Choose the Right Time: Find a calm, private time to bring up the subject. 
  • Be Patient: Understand that your partner may need time to consider the idea and be open to discussing it further. 

What are the rules and guidelines for counseling?

To help you prepare for your counseling experience, here are some essential rules and guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Confidentiality: All sessions are confidential, and information shared will not be disclosed without consent. 
  • Commitment: Both partners are encouraged to commit to attending sessions regularly and participating actively. 
  • Respect: A respectful and non-judgmental environment is maintained at all times. 
  • Punctuality: Clients are expected to arrive on time for sessions to make the most of the time available 

Intake Session

RM 280 first session
  • 90 minutes

Subsequent Session

RM 330 per session
  • 90 minutes

Bundle Package

RM 1200 4 sessions
  • 90 minutes / session