Child Assessment

Does your child present with the following concerns?

Being aggressive to others 

Social/Separation anxiety

Inability to focus

School Refusal

Has difficulty in learning

Intense tantrum

These presentations may stem from underlying psychological or neurodevelopmental issues, in which both can be assessed by a clinical psychologist.

Diagnostic Assessment Tools

What kind of diagnostic assessment tools do we use?

We use assessment tools published by Pearson UK, a trusted, reliable and internationally recognised psychology body.

An example would be Gilliam Autism Rating Scale – Third Edition (GARS-3) used for diagnosing Autism. 


Our diagnostic assessments: 

* provide an accurate diagnosis with briefing on results.

* ⁠use objective assessment tools with scorings.

* ⁠include comprehensive report for documentations.

* ⁠are performed by trained and licensed clinical psychologists.

What diagnostic assessment tools do we have?

  • GARS-3 (Autism assessment) 
  • Conners-4 (ADHD assessment) 
  • RAVEN-2 (Non-verbal IQ test) 
  • WISC-5 (IQ test) 
  • WIAT-3 (Dyslexia test)
  • WRAT-5 (Dyslexia screening) 
  • Vineland (Adaptive functioning) 
  • DIVA 2.0 (Adult ADHD assessment) 
  • MOXO (Continuous Performance Test for ADHD) 

Our clinical psychologists will decide on suitable assessment tools after the first intake session considering the child’s age, presenting problems and suspected diagnosis. Some conditions require more than one assessment tools for accurate diagnosis for example, to diagnose learning difficulties (dyslexia), we would need to conduct at least 2 assessment tools including WIAT-3 (Dyslexia test) and WISC-5 (IQ test) as children with dyslexia will present with a positive WIAT-3 but with IQ within normal range. 

How does the assessment tools look like?

Depending on the specific diagnostic assessment tools, it could be in the form of standardised questionnaires about the child’s presentation at home and in school, or completing standardised tasks being administered by the psychologist in the room, or even completing standardised test through devices like iPad or laptop.  These questions and tasks are specifically researched and designed to be included in the assessment for diagnosis. Each assessment tool requires 1-2 hours to administer.

Part of the questionnaire in GARS-3 (Autism Assessment) 

How would the results and reports look like?

The report will have details of every subtest for components of the tested condition for example Autism. Our clinical psychologists will include the test findings, their own observations and analysis and eventually provide diagnosis and treatment recommendations in their report.  


The following is a very small part of the summary of GARS-3 ‘s end result.  

Overall, the assessment shows that this child is presented with a very likely probability of ASD. Specifically, he showed that the areas of emotional response and cognitive style require the most attention. The severity level measured at Level 2 out of Level 3 suggests that he requires substantial support. Psychological assessments and clinical observation reflect that this child demonstrates Level 2 Autism Spectrum Disorder.

How much would a diagnostic assessment cost?

It would normally be within the range of RM500-2000 including the assessment tools and administration fees, feedback session and report. The following is an example of our quotation issued after the 1st feedback session suspecting Autism. Clients can opt for a brief report instead of a comprehensive integrative assessment report. 

How do I sign up for diagnostic assessment?

You can WhatsApp us at 011-33116211 or click into to register for your first intake session (1.5hr) and the following is the expected procedures. 

Do we also provide therapy for children?

MY Psychology KK

  • Child guidance program 
  • Psychotherapy for child and adolescent

MY Kid Therapy (Partner of MY Psychology KK) 

  • Home-based ABA Therapy 
  • Parental Training 
  • Reading Intervention Program 

For more detailed information, you may visit our therapy page at

Website :

MY Kid Therapy is currently offering FREE 30 mins consultation with their behaviour therapist. If you are interested, you may visit their

Website :

WhatsApp : 011-51152368