Child Therapy

MY Psychology and our partner, MY Kid Therapy provide child therapy and Early Intervention Program(EIP) to the following individuals:

  1. Children and Teenagers with Psychological, Behavioural and Emotional issues
  2. Children with Special Needs

Our child therapy services include:

  1. Child Guidance Program (CGP)
  2. Psychotherapy for Teenagers
  3. Home-based ABA Therapy
  4. Reading Intervention Program for Dyslexia (SMARTER*phonics)

Child Guidance Program (CGP)

A child guidance program conducted by clinical psychologists is suitable for children with younger age (often kindergarten and primary school ages) and for issues that require more involvement and support from the parents. It is highly effective in addressing various psychological, emotional, and behavioral issues in children such as:

  • School refusal
  • Intense tantrum
  • Social/separation anxiety
  • Dealing with divorce situations
  • And many more…

As compared to psychotherapy, child guidance program spends more time providing consultation and guidance to the parents in how to manage and support their child’s struggles. The program largely depends on the active participation of parents and can be highly beneficial in addressing a range of issues in children.

Psychotherapy for Teenagers

Psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” helps teenagers understand and deal with their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. It’s a way to work through problems with the help of a clinical psychologist. Common issues among teenagers that we see here in MY Psychology KK include:

  • Interpersonal relationship struggles with peers
  • Body image issues
  • Confidence and self-esteem issues
  • School bullying
  • Addiction to gaming/devices
  • And many more…

There will be a balance of confidentiality and the involvement of parents to allow teenagers to be able to feel safe to talk, at the same time receiving the support and understanding that they need from their parents.Being a teenager can be incredibly challenging due to the rapid changes and pressures faced during this time. By working with a clinical psychologist, teens can better understand themselves and their challenges, leading to healthier and happier lives.

Home - Based ABA Therapy

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy is a behaviour therapy used to treat behavioural issues and improve social and communication skills in individuals, typically children. It is the gold standard treatment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but also proven effective to other relatable conditions such as developmental disabilities, ADHD, behavioural and conduct issues. ABA therapists identify target behaviors, break them down into manageable steps, and use rewards to encourage desired behaviors while minimizing unwanted ones.

Benefits of our home-based ABA program: 

  • 1:1 session: Your child will receive undivided attention from the therapist
  • Most natural setting: Therapy is delivered at where they spend most of their time. This facilitates meaningful skills development applicable to real-life situations.
  • Opportunities for Parent Training: Home-based ABA encourages active participation from parents in the therapy process.
  • Reduced distractions: It is particularly beneficial for children who are easily overwhelmed and not ready yet to be involved in busy environments like therapy centres.
  • Convenient and comfortable: It reduces stress and challenges travelling to a center.

MY Kid Therapy’s mission is to have long-term positive outcomes for the child beyond the period of intensive therapy. To achieve that, we also aim to empower parents to develop skills necessary to support their child’s development independently and to promote sustainability beyond the duration of formal therapy.

Reading Intervention Program for Dyslexia (SMARTER*phonics)

This program is especially beneficial for children who struggle with reading and writing in both English and Malay, such as those with dyslexia or those performing below average levels.

It is a structured and systematic program designed to assist and enhance the reading and writing skills of children, particularly those who face challenges in these areas. The program offers targeted instruction and tailored strategies to address specific difficulties, including phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, and comprehension.

Benefits of our Reading Intervention Program:

  • Individualized Attention: Each child receives focused, 1:1 sessions with a dedicated therapist.
  • Paced Instruction: Instruction is delivered according to each child’s learning pace to ensure effective progress.
  • Multisensory Learning: We employ a variety of materials and techniques to accommodate different learning styles and enhance comprehension.
  • Reduced Distractions: Our program provides a controlled environment, ideal for children who may be overwhelmed by more conventional school or tutoring settings.
  • Encouraging Teaching Methods: We emphasize a supportive and stress-free teaching approach to foster a positive learning experience.

At MY Kid Therapy, our mission is to achieve long-term positive outcomes for each child that extend beyond the period of intensive intervention. We are committed to empowering children with the skills needed to build academic confidence independently and to promote sustainable progress beyond formal intervention.