5W1H: Introduction to panic disorder


One of the friends said, “Oh my God, I am panicking. I think I cannot make it through the day.” “My heart is pumping, and I can hardly breathe.”

Friend A: “Come on, pal.” “It is not a big deal.”

Friend B: “We are all good.” Don’t be such a bummer.”

Friend C: “She is just trying to gain attention from people.”

Friend D: “Don’t be so dramatic!” “It is just a small incident.”

The conversation above might be insensitive toward people dealing with panic disorder. Patience and sufficient patience are crucial when dealing with people with panic disorder. 

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder where people panic and fear for no reason. Intense fear, as well as physical symptoms, including chest pain, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath, can be brought on by panic attacks. People with panic disorder often feel like they are about to die or have lost control of their lives when they have a panic attack.

Photo by  samer daboul from Pexels.

What exactly is panic disorder?

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder marked by repeated panic attacks and a constant fear or worry that more panic attacks will happen.

Who is susceptible to panic disorder?

People of different ages, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds can be susceptible to panic disorder. However, it is more frequent in women and usually begins in adolescence. 

Other anxiety disorders, like obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, have symptoms similar to panic disorder. A personal history of anxiety disorders, a family history of anxiety disorders, and stressful life events can raise the risk of developing panic disorder. Many studies have linked changes in the brain’s chemistry and hormone imbalances to panic disorder. 

Where will people start with their panic disorder?

Panic disorder can strike at any moment and in any place. Panic attacks can happen in familiar and strange places, and many different things can cause them.

When can we know if someone is diagnosed with panic disorder?

Panic disorder can happen at any age, but most people are diagnosed with it as young adults. Panic attacks can vary in frequency and severity from person to person.

What causes panic disorders in people?

Although the exact cause of panic disorder is unknown, it is believed to result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and mental factors.

How is anxiety disorder identified and treated?

Diagnoses for panic disorder combine clinical and self-reported symptoms. Treatment plans frequently include psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle modifications.

A diagnosis of panic disorder entitles the patient to medication and talk therapy. The mainstays of treatment for panic disorder are typically medication and talk therapy. With the help of SSRIs and other antidepressants, panic attacks may happen less often and not be as bad. CBT, also known as cognitive-behavioral therapy, is a form of talk therapy that can assist those who have panic disorder in finding new ways to confront and manage their unreasonable fears and anxious thoughts.

A person with panic disorder may benefit from lifestyle changes. You can help relieve panic disorder by working out regularly, eating well, and finding ways to deal with stress. People with panic disorder should seek treatment as soon as they notice symptoms because, if untreated, it can result in other mental health problems like depression, substance abuse, and agoraphobia.

In general, dealing with panic disorder can be challenging. However, people with panic disorder can lead fulfilling lives with appropriate support and care. If you or someone you know has a panic disorder, you need help from a mental health professional.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”

-Oprah Winfrey

Thank you for reading this article.

I am Daniel, My Psychology KK’s intern.

With you, My Psychology KK.